Youth in Transition - A Review of Activities
Dear Friend of Youth In Transition
Over the past few months, a team has been busy working on a comprehensive review of our activities so that we can share the hard work and successes of our Charitable Trust.
I hope you will enjoy reading more about the vast number of families that we have helped to date, be astounded by the amount of volunteer support we have in place to keep everything running smoothly, and the incredible financial donations and grants we have received to ensure we can continue to help our young people create a life worth living, and provide them with the ongoing wrap-around support they and their families need.
Please click the image to view the the full document.
As always, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all YOU do for us. Every action, big or small – every time you think of us, every time you shop in the Hope Shop, bake for us, approve our grant application, donate online, volunteer your time, provide your services….it directly impacts a young person. And for that I am personally hugely grateful.
Yours in love,
Tina Jones
Co-founder and Director
Youth In Transition