Merv Huxford

Trustee / Accountant

Merv Huxford, ATAINZ, BSc, RFA, is an accountant and professional trustee who has practised in Orewa since 1979. He has five children and 13 grandchildren. He is a past president of both the Rotary Club of Orewa, the Rotary Club of Maungaturoto and has also been a past Rotary District Governor of Auckland Northland Pacific. 
Merv was the founding chair of the Life Education Trust Rodney, the MetroPark Development Working Group and the Hockey Hibiscus Trust, developing the complex at Millwater. He is a trustee of several charitable trusts and many family trusts and a life member of North Harbour Hockey Association and the Hibiscus Dairy Flat Hockey Club. He is also a recipient of the Hockey New Zealand Gold Service Award and holds a Certificate of Meritorious Service from the global Rotary Foundation.  We are delighted to benefit from Merv’s wealth of charity experience and his wisdom in governance. He has also been instrumental in assisting us with several extremely successful fund raising projects.